Tonight's Worship Services

Good evening, everybody. Here are the links to tonight's worship services:

Thanks for everybody that contributed to the reading, the music, and the prayers. I really do appreciate all the work that goes into helping pull these videos together every week.

Also, as I mention in tonight's introduction to worship, the Bishop has begun to grant permission for congregations to begin meeting again starting next week. This is certainly a complex issue, and there are still a lot of questions surrounding what it will look like to be able to come together for worship while keeping everybody safe. Rates of infection are still increasing in South Carolina, and that is projected to continue as restrictions begin to fall away.

The Vestry and Staff are currently reviewing the guidelines set by the Bishop for resuming public worship. I would ask that you be in prayer for wisdom, discernment, and guidance from the Holy Spirit as we wrestle with when to resume public worship. We will also continue to be in conversation with the Church at Cane Bay to ensure that we can occupy their space to their level of comfort.

I do know that other Churches will likely resume before we do. That's okay. We will also likely meet before other Churches resume. That's okay, too. St. Timothy's has never been quite like all the other churches, and it's going to take more than a global pandemic to make us "normal!" We will make the best choice we can with the best information we can gather.

In the midst of this, if you have any questions or would like to weigh in, please reach out to me and I will be glad to have a conversation with you. I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given to our family and to this Church. In some ways I feel closer to you all than ever before.

But the truth is that in most ways I miss you all and cannot wait to see you again. And not just see you, but to gather with you and worship. On that day when we finally do gather, please know that we will be doing so in a way that adheres to every rule designed to keep our neighbors safe and sound. This is the mandate set forth to us by our Savior, who left us with the commandment to love one another.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-34


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